
Tuesday, 6 December 2011

Behind schedule

I have taken a break from Christmas knitting this week.  You see, aided and abetted (or is that challenged) by two special frineds I have had an idea...

and so I have been charting

and swatching,

knitting up tidy hems

and steeking

but despite knitting in a frenzied, fast and furious manner and including acres of plain stocking stitch

I've not finished yet

so it's back to the needles and hopes that I shall be able to talk about teh finished item by the weekend (and get back to the unfinished Christmas projects)




  1. I'm not sure what it's going to be, but it looks amazing, the patterns are lovely and so so neat, I'm really behind too. xxx

  2. Hurrah! I can't wait to see what this is...


Dear lovely readers,

I love all your comments, if you are just visiting please leave your 'card'! I cannot always reply to your comments personally as blogger may not give me your address but will comment here in reply (when I put up the next post)