
Monday, 3 December 2012

Gingerbread House

Easily recognisable, it's the witch's house from the Hansel and Gretel story, the model for all those booths at German frost markets and  many Christmas decorations.

But, why? What have snow covered forest cabins got to do with Christmas?  Where did the tradition originate?  Googling did not help this time.  I know they came from Germany, but how did gingerbread houses become part of their Christmas traditions?

I have a feeling I am going to ask that question quite a lot as I think about the meaning and origins of many items on the Advent wreath




Knitrageous said...

We had a book with a picture of the witch's house from Hansel and Gretel that used to fascinate me because it had candy trim and sugar decorations. Great job!

kharold said...

Hi Catherine! I have a wonderful book, The Winter Solstice, by John Matthews (big green book with a Green Man on the cover) that talks about the histories of all these Yuletide traditions. I will try to look up gingerbread houses, but I have a feeling it has to do with all the other German-Christmas connections. Have fun with your advent tree!

Catherine said...

Hi Karen, I would love to know what your book says - I have many more puzzles (like candy canes and stockings!)